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Set about Equipment Management Internal Training to Improve Skills

      As one of the essential skills of equipment maintenance department, electric welding plays an important role in daily work. In order to enhance the workers’ welding skills, Jiangsu branch used lunch break to have a professional welding skill training within the company.
     The training was lasted for half an hour. Chenjian, director of the equipment management department, talked about the welding skills by the way of integrating theory with practices. Besides he made it easier for employees to understand and master the knowledge by practical demonstrations. After the training, the staff discussed it to master the skills in a timely manner.
     This training was only the beginning, the department will organize related training at noon every week, which could not only improve the staff’s skill and ability, but also make the department work more efficiently.
     Training is just a method, and our real purpose is to raise the skills, improve ourselves through training.Training is only a method, a process, and our goal is to improve their skills through training, together with constant enrichment and self-improvement, so that the company could achieve constant development and growth under the joint efforts.